"She was a fool, and so am I, and so is anyone who thinks he sees what God is doing." - Vonnegut
The modern day Job says. Lord who can know your ways? They are a mystery to me. When I stand and wonder at the world He has created I am in awe. Not just at the beauty of the world but at the mystery of his ways. Like Job I find myself calling out looking for answers, and the Lord just says, "Trust me." I remember that without faith it is impossible to please Him. I am blown away by His love for me, but also by his instance to love the unlovely. Thus exposing my inherent contradiction; that is the one that thinks that I am at the center of the universe, at least my universe. That the world best expressed from my view point. Let's put a pin in that thought for now, lets come back to this one later as this deserves some serious exploration.
With that said I think we can agree that our world is full of bitter lonely and lost people who do awful deeds, yet God's love abides towards them the same way it abides to the most loving and giving, those who appear much more deserving by any logical measure.
When I think I know what God is doing, what His direction is, and how His plans will unfold, that is when He throws a curve. I think it is because we need to be utterly reliant on his grace and never on a sense that we know what He is up to. This was Job's friends mistake. They said that he was sick because off hidden sin, because he harbored pride, and he had made poor choices in his life. Well none of that turned out to be true. Bad things happened to him because God was, and is, sovereign. He reserved his reasoning to himself. No explanation was given to Job, just an encouragement to let go of the need to explain and let God do His "God things." That is where I find my heart this morning. Wondering and seeking my soul cries for answers, for reasons, for motives, but none seem to be forthcoming. It is from this place that trust is found or lost. In this place where we can blame, find cynical reasons and explanations to our deepest questions. Where we think that what we see is what is really happening. We so often forget that His ways are hidden to us, that our reliance on Him is required for every step. Stretching to resolve questions can often be a failing quest, when the answer lies in the trust of His embrace. Trust in Him with all you heart and do not lean on your own understanding.
Live your life, do your work, take your hat. - Thoreau